Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
When you hear the sound of children in a church, you know that church is alive and growing! We want to come alongside you in teaching your child about the love of Jesus through age appropriate Bible lessons and teachers who truly care about investing in your child.

Sunday Children's Ministry
We have seen children of all ages benefit from worshipping through music, so our children's church starts when our music time ends. While you engage with the sermon, students 2nd grade and under are invited to attend a Bible lesson, craft time, and snack designed just for them!
Children are invited to learn the REAL stories of the Bible through our Little Seekers program! Your child will learn the foundational truths of scripture, have a snack, and enjoy a time of play with our indoor games or outdoor activities.
Need a Ride?
For whatever reason, sometimes getting to church can be a barrier. If your child needs a ride we can pick them up in our Church Bus. Each Sunday evening members of our church of a least 25 years of age for the driver and 18 years of age for the co-pilot drive around our community to pick up our youth who want to come and who's family cannot bring them. Every driver must maintain a valid drivers license. If your child needs a ride feel free to send us a message on facebook. Students must be old enough to ride without a car seat and emergency contact information is required for all youth.