Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Buchanan we have always been behind missions on a local level and internationally. We accomplish this by supporting long-term missionaries overseas, sending teams from our church to share the gospel around the world, and partnering with local outreach organizations. Currently we support missionaries in Cambodia and Japan, along with local outreach such as Pike County Young Life, Bridgehaven Homeless Shelter, and Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resource Center. We love hearing what our God is doing in the global church when our missionary friends visit.

Active Missionaries
Brandon and Izumi Kuba
Brandon and Izumi are active missionaries in the southern part of Japan. They often get to share in local schools, connect to local families by teaching English, and share their faith in a culture where Christians remain less than %0.5 of the population.
Shannon and Vikki Bobb
Shannon and Vikki serve in Cambodia through Adventures in Missions. They run a non-profit, travel to different villages teaching in local schools about Jesus, organize medical clinics, and help provide for the physical needs of those around them.
Young Life Pike County
Young Life's goal is to introduce adolescents to Jesus and help them grow in their faith. They do this by sending godly adults or leaders to where kids are, (games, concerts, drop off, dismissal, etc.) investing in them through friendships, and training kids to love their friends like Jesus.
Operation Christmas Child
Several years ago one of our church members developed a passion for Operation Christmas Child. Since then the Lord has allowed us to pack about 1,000 boxes annually. We often get to hear, through messages and emails, what the Lord is doing through this ministry and we love being a part of it!
Bridgehaven Homeless Shelter/Food Bank
BCUC partners with the Pike County Outreach Council of Churches among others to support Bridgehaven. Bridgehaven is the only homeless shelter located in Pike County. It offers a multi-bed family shelter for people to stay as they receive holistic care such as aid in finding employment, medical care, education, and life skills. Also a project of the Outreach Council is the Food Pantry. Residents of Pike County can visit every seven days and receive enough food to feed each member of their household along with personal care items as they are available.